Hide and Shriek Wiki

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The most comprehensive source of information on Hide and Shriek. We are currently maintaining 386 pages (56 articles), written by 33,307,948 users.

About Hide and Shriek

Hide and Shriek is a one vs. one multiplayer romp played out in ten minute matches. Your objective is simple: be a mischievous little rascal and scare your opponent half to death before time runs out! It's Halloween and the students of magic at Little Springs High and Innsmouth Academy are about to honor an ancient tradition: sneaking into school after midnight, turning themselves invisible, and scaring the living hell out of each other!

The game is currently available for FREE on Steam!

General Information
Rules and Tips  Bullet  Masks  Bullet  Frames  Bullet  Voices  Bullet  Animations  Bullet  Spells  Bullet  Stories  Bullet  Achievements

We are currently maintaining 386 pages (56 articles)!
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